Version 2.0 of the Value-Based Healthcare Hub Launched

Value-based healthcare hub

The UN Value-Based Healthcare Hub is accessible at


26 October 2023, Geneva, Switzerland – The Global Surgery Foundation (GSF) and the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) launched version 2.0 of the Value-Based Healthcare (VBHC) Hub.  

The VBHC Hub, which was officially launched in November 2021, acts as a reference point for the VBHC programme and provides resources on the value-based healthcare model more broadly. Version 2.0 of the Hub includes an updated visual design and resources on value-based healthcare. It also contains new information on ongoing projects in Rwanda and Türkiye, as well as frontline partners and working groups.

GSF's VBHC programme aims to facilitate locally-led initiatives that promote and advance the implementation of the value-based healthcare model in low- and middle-income and resource-limited settings. The programme includes two pilots in Rwanda and Türkiye focusing on surgical care for breast cancer. Value in healthcare is defined as the health outcomes that matter to patients relative to the resources or costs required to deliver those outcomes. Value-based healthcare places value to the patient at the center, prioritising innovation and collaboration.

The programme has recently entered into a second phase, with the announcement of partnerships with two Turkish universities and a collaboration with the Turkish Ministry of Health.

Stay up to date!

Visit the VBHC Hub today to learn more about the Value-Based Healthcare Programme.


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